- Amazon launches a $2 billion Climate Pledge Fund
- 求黑暗之魂2故事背景及个别场景 人物介绍_百度知道:2021-9-7 · 第二类是老王统治轮回中的世俗国家和势力,也就是多兰古雷格同时伋的国家,其中有些已经灭亡,有些仍然健在。 第一个是沙之国度乌格,除了名称和国家特点外其他不详,不过不排除这里原来就是黑人洋葱骑士的故乡卡塔利纳,堆土塔有乌格的沙之魔法师守卫,拿蓝玻璃大剑的凡何特也是乌格 ...
- A Thank You bonus for Amazon front-line employees and partners
- We are implementing a one-year moratorium on police use of Rekognition
- Amazon's COVID-19 blog: updates on how we're responding to the crisis
With COVID-19 and unemployment spiking, we've already donated delivery services for 6 million meals, totaling 7.4 million pounds of food in more than 25 U.S. cities.
Company news
The authorization allows Project Kuiper to deliver satellite-based broadband services in the United States, helping expand internet access to households and communities across the country.
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Halfway through our first entirely virtual summer internship, Amazon interns all across the globe share their experiences.
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We are continuing with our field tests in Washington and California and are now rolling into two new states.
国外版知乎 Quora v2.8.56 学习知识 看看老外的难题 - Go破解:1 天前 · 国外版知乎 Quora 是问答论坛,Quora 有着大量高质量内容丰富知识,在用户生活或工作中遇到不知道的常识性问题时,可伍在 Quora 平台上免费发布相关问题,从而快速获得相关答案!Go破解听说 Quora 发表一个问题有秒回的,如果有学英语的小伙伴 ...
Small business
Insights from the 2023 SMB Impact Report.
Company news
Amazon has signed an agreement to acquire Zoox, a California-based company working to design autonomous ride-hailing vehicles from the ground up. Aicha Evans, Zoox CEO, and Jesse Levinson, Zoox co-founder and CTO, will continue to lead the team as they innovate and drive towards their mission.
Amazon Air has secured up to six million gallons of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) supplied by Shell Aviation and produced by World Energy.
Working at Amazon
Watch Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center experts discuss the latest research and understanding of the pandemic.
Staying "small, intimate, and local" while growing with Amazon.
Working at Amazon
Reflecting on resistance—51 years ago, and today
Honoring Black activists and leaders who "gave us freedom to love so loudly today."
Amazon donates $10 million in critically-needed personal protective equipment
Donation includes 4.4 million masks, 273,000 gallons of hand sanitizer, thousands of contactless thermometers, and logistical support to Direct Relief and Feeding America.
Small business
Amazon shares 2023 list of top 10 states for digital entrepreneurs
See which states have the most digital entrepreneurs per capita, and which states top the list for the fastest-growing digital entrepreneurs.
Discover Kindle’s features helping people with reading disabilities read more.
$40,000 scholarships for 100 deserving high school seniors
Amazon Future Engineer awards its second class of computer science students with scholarships and guaranteed Amazon internships.